ACP Physicians Financial
Get personal financial insights; compare against benchmarks by career stage.

Help keep your practice running while you are disabled.
Business overhead insurance can help cover your overhead to keep your practice open.

Disability insurance especially for internists
ACP members have access to physician-exclusive rates and benefits.

Leveraging the health of the internal medicine profession
Physician-exclusive life insurance rates for you and your spouse.

Insights for Internists:
Up-to-date insights and benchmarks to assist in personal financial decision-making

Leveraging the health of the internal medicine profession
Physician-exclusive life insurance rates for you and your spouse.
Life and disability insurance designed specifically for internal medicine specialists
Disability Insurance for Internists
ACP member-only disability insurance that protects your internal medicine specialty. Add a layer of portable coverage that you can take with you as you change jobs.
10 and 20-year Term Life at Physician Rates
Leveraging the health of our physician members to negotiate physician exclusive rates for 10-year or 20-year level term life insurance up to $2 million. Portable.
Business Overhead for Practice Owners
Help cover your practice overhead in the event you become disabled. Works with your ACP-sponsored disability insurance to cover your personal and practice expenses.
ACP members have access to physician-exclusive rates and benefits.